AL BI’A AMANA – Mission recyclage

Centre Franco-Omanais 207 Inshirah Street, Muscat, Oman

CFO invites you to a workshop on environment protection! We will be playing a quiz and hosting the Move Green initiative for a talk about their actions and ideas on...

Tour de France – Bretagne

Centre Franco-Omanais 207 Inshirah Street, Muscat, Oman

Learning a language goes hand in hand with learning the culture of a country. So come and learn more about the culture of the different French regions with CFO's new...

Tour de France – Belfort

Centre Franco-Omanais 207 Inshirah Street, Muscat, Oman

On the 31st, come and learn more about the surprising and rich history of the Belfort Territory ! Learning a language goes hand in hand with learning the culture of...