Tour de France – Tarn

Centre Franco-Omanais 207 Inshirah Street, Muscat, Oman

Learning a language goes hand in hand with learning the culture of a country. So come and learn more about the culture of the different French regions with CFO's new "Tour de France" program ! Every second Tuesday, from 5:30 to 6:15, we'll be presenting a French region, its food, music, culture and landscapes. And...

Conférence – Aménagement du territoire

Centre Franco-Omanais 207 Inshirah Street, Muscat, Oman

To end this month, we are delighted to welcome Thibaut Klinger (PhD) for a conference about the stakes and challenges that Oman is facing in terms of spatial planning. This conference "Aménagement du territoire et identité nationale sous l'ère du Sultan Qaboos: un legs pour aujourd'hui" will be held in French. @ CFO's Garden  

Conference – Looking for the first oases of Oman: new discoveries in Bisya, ad-Dakhiliyah

Centre Franco-Omanais 207 Inshirah Street, Muscat, Oman

We are delighted to welcome the archaeological team of Dr. Martin SAUVAGE and Mathilde JEAN, co-directors of the French Archaeological Mission in Central Oman, for a conference about their latest discoveries on the 4500 years old settlements at Bisya. Join us for an evening full of history and rediscover Omani heritage with us! In English